Focusing on recent experiences in Mexico and Ecuador, this introductory essay to a special dossier in the Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology explores key aspects of the complexities involved in efforts to legalize indigenous rights and claims. We map out the origins of this turn to legalization and argue that this multiple and de-centered—or legally plural—process has today entered a new phase associated with the exhaustion of the neoliberal multicultural model that dominated much of the region in the 1990s and 2000s.
Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology
(2017) with Anna Barrera, “Legalizing indigenous self-determination: autonomy and buen vivir/ vivir bien in Latin America”, Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology (JLACA). DOI: 10.1111/jlca.12233. Publicado en línea: 16 de enero 2017. ISSN (electronic): 1935-4940